In terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA), the Mine Health and Safety Act (MHSA) and the Maritime Occupational Safety Act, there is a responsibility placed on the employer to ensure that all workers are properly trained, are aware of hazards and risks in the workplace and have the right to refuse unsafe working practices or conditions.

Ensuring that employees are trained to use the required equipment and know how to identify and mitigate risks and hazards, requires effective and continuous communication. And the best way to train a person is to show them. Video offers companies an engaging channel through which to support and strengthen its health and safety regulations and to ensure that every employee knows and understands their rights and their obligations in terms of health and safety.

In support of this, Channel Mteto can assist your company with:

  • New and ex-leave Employee Inductions
  • Accident Simulations
  • Safety Campaigns
  • Hazard Identification and Treatment Training Videos
  • Safety Rules and Procedures Training Videos